Our annual club meal and presentation evening was a huge success and fun was had by all with a few cheeky drinks added into the mix. The proceeds of the charity raffle, which the club are rounding up to a generous £100.00 are being donated to a charity chosen by the winning team & Quizzy Rascals, Barney
Netherwood, Tom Benson, Beth Benson and Gill Netherwood, Well done guys!
Prizes and trophies were handed out reflecting the results of the 2016 season
Milton Sunderland Trophy - Winner of the Club CCV League - Andrew Cope.
The Henderson Trophy - Winner of the Club RTV League - Edward Nelson.
The Atkinson Trophy - Winner of the Club Ladies RTV League - Sue Nelson.
Highest placed Novice - Matthew Abbey.
The Marshalls Trophy - Awarded for the most events Marshalled - Sue & Hedley Cope.
Curtis Shield -Awarded to acknowledge his many years’ service to the Editors role - Barney Netherwood.
The Jon Anderson Trophy - Awarded for promoting friendship in Landrovering and efforts
towards the club newsletter and new website - Sam & Steven Cann.
The Chairmans Trophy - Awarded for contributions to YLROC - Barrie Mounty.