The ALRC reported that 'Some clubs advised there does appear to be a need to allow vehicles that are not fully compliant to ALRC regulations to be able to enter some club events at certain levels. Clubs are finding that they are turning away entries and many have seen such reduced entries in membership and events that they may no longer be able to exist as an effective club.
To provide a possible solution some method was required to allow possible new members to compete in their existing vehicle that was essentially Land Rover but may not comply 100% with the existing technical regulations. (It must be noted that in all cases there must be compliance with the MSA Blue book for every event)'.
The ALRC Rules have therefore been amended as follows;
Part 3 Competition Regulations
Section L. Vehicle Classes
L.1.1 Trials
Class Q. A vehicle manufactured from Land Rover parts in accordance with MSA Regulations. Vehicles must retain Land Rover axles, engines and drivetrain. Vehicles must retain the appearance of a Land Rover.
L.1.3 Competitive Safari
Class Q. A vehicle manufactured from Land Rover parts in accordance with MSA Regulations. Vehicles must retain Land Rover axles, engines and drivetrain. Vehicles must retain the appearance of a Land Rover.